© LAPONE Entertainment


"2023 JO1 2ND ARENA LIVE TOUR 'BEYOND THE DARK:RISE in KYOCERA DOME OSAKA' venue limited! 3RD ALBUM “EQUINOX” purchase lottery & old music sales decided!

2023年11月24日・25日に開催される「2023 JO1 2ND ARENA LIVE TOUR 'BEYOND THE DARK:RISE in KYOCERA DOME OSAKA'」会場にて、JO1 3RD ALBUM『EQUINOX』購入抽選会と旧譜販売の実施が決定いたしました。



<JO1 3RD ALBUM “EQUINOX” purchase lottery>

会場にて、9月20日(水)発売JO1 3RD ALBUM『EQUINOX』の各形態(初回限定盤A、初回限定盤B、通常盤)のいずれか1枚をご購入いただきますと、豪華特典が当たる抽選会にご参加いただけます。

* Those who do not have a performance ticket can also participate.

* The number of sales and the number of benefits are limited. Please note that some items may be sold out.

[Products eligible for lottery purchase]

Released on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 JO1 3RD ALBUM “EQUINOX”

<First Press Limited Edition A> [CD+DVD] ¥3,500 (tax excluded) / ¥3,850 (tax included)

<First Press Limited Edition B> [CD+DVD] ¥3,500 (tax excluded) / ¥3,850 (tax included)

<Regular Edition> [CD ONLY] ¥3,000 (tax excluded) / ¥3,300 (tax included)

*First Press Limited Edition A, First Limited Edition B, and Regular Edition will be the first press (with inclusions).

* FC limited edition is not eligible.

[Lottery benefits]

<A賞>“Coming JO1”ご招待 11/24(金)公演100名様/11/25(土)公演50名様

<B賞>JO1メンバーの“ソロ撮り下ろしサイン入りチェキ” 11/24(金)公演33名様/11/25(土)公演33名様


■“Coming JO1”概要■


*There will be no contact with JO1 members, autographs, or commemorative photos at this event. Also, please note that you cannot receive gifts.

* Details such as the meeting time and meeting place of this event will be announced separately to the winners only.



*Tickets for each performance are not required. Those who do not have a performance ticket can also participate.

[About lottery]

会場にて、9月20日(水)発売JO1 3RD ALBUM『EQUINOX』の各形態(初回限定盤A、初回限定盤B、通常盤)のいずれか1枚をご購入いただきますと、抽選に1回ご参加いただける「スクラッチくじ」を1枚お渡しいたします。「スクラッチくじ」をその場で削っていただき、<A賞>ご当選の場合は当日開催される「“Coming JO1”参加券」をお渡しいたします。「“Coming JO1”参加券」にはイベント実施時の整列に関わる整理番号が記載されておりますが、整理番号はランダムでの配布となりますので、あらかじめご了承ください。



* Scratch lottery tickets cannot be reissued due to loss, etc.

* The number of benefits is limited. Please note that it will end as soon as all winners are selected.


抽選会に関する注意事項、および“Coming JO1”に関する注意事項につきましては、ページ後方に記載しておりますので、必ず事前にご一読ください。

<Sale of old music CD/DVD/BD with venue-limited cheki-style photo card>


* Those who do not have a performance ticket can also purchase it.

* You can select the member you want for the "venue-limited cheki-style photo card".

*Please note that the number of benefits is limited.

[Products for sale]

・2023年4月5日発売SINGLE『TROPICAL NIGHT』(3形態)

・2023年3月15日発売『2022 JO1 1ST ARENA LIVE TOUR ‘KIZUNA’』(DVD/BD/FC限定盤除く)

・2022年10月12日発売SINGLE『MIDNIGHT SUN』(3形態)





・2020年11月25日発売ALBUM『The STAR』(4形態)



*Some products may not be available.

<Common precautions for lottery and CD sales>

《Booth location and sales date》

[大阪:京セラドーム大阪] CD販売特設エリア



* The sales time may change depending on the situation on the day. Please note.

*There will be no lottery or CD sales after the performance.


*Please note that we will not refund any purchased products. Defective items will be exchanged for non-defective items.

※CDのご購入には、現金およびクレジットカード(VISA、JCB、MasterCard、Diners Club、DISCOVER、American Express) 、交通系ICカード全般、WAON、nanaco、QUICPay、Apple Pay、iD、au PAYがご利用いただけます。詳細は当日会場にてご確認ください。



*Waiting in order from early in the morning is prohibited as it may cause inconvenience to the surrounding area. Please line up according to the staff's instructions. It is strictly prohibited to stay up all night from the previous day around the facility, sit down from early morning, block the aisle, or wait to enter or leave the facility.

*Please refrain from interrupting the line or running at the start of the line-up or the start of sales, as it is extremely dangerous. We are not responsible for any troubles between customers.

*Individually formed lines before the start time of lining up will be invalid.

*The following actions are prohibited as they may cause trouble for other guests.

* Product trading at the booth venue or near the facility

* Sit-ins around the facility

*Occupying benches for long periods of time

*Please be sure to follow the staff's instructions inside and outside the venue. If you do not comply, not only will you not be able to participate in the event, but the event itself may be cancelled. In that case, the organizer, venue, and performers will not take any responsibility.




*Sales may end without prior notice due to event management reasons. Please note.

*Please refrain from any behavior that may cause inconvenience to other customers.

*There is a possibility that each sales time may change depending on the circumstances of the day. Please note.

*The contents may be changed or the event may be canceled due to unavoidable circumstances such as weather.

*Transportation expenses to the venue, accommodation expenses, etc. will be borne by the customer. The same applies if the event is canceled.

* The organizer, venue, and performers are not responsible for any accidents, theft, etc. that occur inside or outside the venue.

*We do not accept any inquiries to the venue facilities.

*Event contents may be changed or canceled due to circumstances. Please note.

<Important notes regarding the lottery>

* It is strictly prohibited to sell or transfer the right to win the A prize to a third party, including family and friends. If it is discovered, the right to win will be invalidated. We also do not accept applications by proxy.


* Customers who have won the lottery must complete the exchange for benefits by the end of CD sales on each schedule.

*Unfortunately, even if the winning ticket remains, it will not be carried over to the next performance. Please participate only if you can understand this.

* We cannot answer inquiries about the lottery method.

<“Coming JO1”に関する注意事項>

* Details such as the meeting time and meeting place of this event will be announced separately to the winners only.

※当イベントは「2023 JO1 2ND ARENA LIVE TOUR 'BEYOND THE DARK:RISE in KYOCERA DOME OSAKA'」各公演終演後の実施となります。ご当選者様が未成年の場合は条例に従って、保護者の方の同意のもとご参加いただきますようお願いいたします。

※“Coming JO1”の実施時間をご確認のうえ、抽選会にご参加ください。

※集合時間に遅れた場合には、“Coming JO1”にご参加いただけないことがございます。その場合は、当選無効となりますのでご注意ください。

※当日、“Coming JO1”へのご招待人数は変更となる可能性がございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。

* Depending on the situation on the day, the start time may be changed suddenly, and it may take time to start the guidance. Please note that we do not take any responsibility for the customer's return journey (last train time, etc.).

*We cannot compensate for transportation and accommodation expenses if the start is delayed.


* Even if you do not participate due to personal reasons, the product price cannot be refunded.

※“Coming JO1”の当選権利は、当選日にのみ有効となります。他の日程での使用はできません。

※“Coming JO1”は当選されたご本人様のみの参加となります。いかなる場合においても同伴者の参加はできかねます。

※当日“Coming JO1”の模様を撮影させていただく可能性がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。

※ご当選者様による携帯電話・ビデオカメラ等での録音・録画・撮影は一切禁止となります。“Coming JO1”開始前には携帯電話の電源をお切りいただきますので、あらかじめご了承ください。

* Handing over gifts to members is prohibited.

*In order to ensure the safety of our customers and artists, we may conduct security inspections and temporary storage of baggage.

※当日は係員およびスタッフの指示に従ってください。従っていただけない場合、参加をお断りすることや、またやむを得ず“Coming JO1”を中止にする可能性もございます。

*The organizer will not be held responsible for any accidents caused by not following the staff's instructions and precautions in the venue.

* Event participants are anti-social forces, etc. (organized crime groups, gang members, right-wing groups, anti-social forces, and other similar persons; the same shall apply hereinafter), or maintain, operate, or manage anti-social forces, etc. through funding or other means. If the organizer determines that the person has some kind of interaction or involvement with anti-social forces, such as cooperating with or participating in will do.

As of May 8, 2023, the government's "Basic Policy for Countermeasures against Novel Coronavirus Infections" has been abolished. Please use your personal judgment.

Please refer to the "Infection Control Information" published by the government as a reference for voluntary infection control. (https://corona.go.jp/events/)

*Wearing a mask is a personal decision. In addition, we ask for your cooperation in taking care of the customers around you, such as coughing etiquette.

*Please check the announcements in the venue again on the day of each performance.




If you have a photo of your face, please bring one. This includes:

*Copying is not allowed for all items. Please bring the actual item within the expiration date.

(1) Passport

(2) Driver's License/International Driver's License

(3) Official license with photo (marine, aviation, architect, etc.)

(4) Basic Resident Registration Card

(5) Disability certificate

(6) My number card (Notification card is not acceptable)

(7) Mental Disability Health and Welfare Handbook

(8) Insurance card with photo

(9) Student ID card with photo

(10) Rehabilitation notebook

If you have an official ID other than (1) to (10) above, please contact us by using the inquiry form at least 3 days before the performance. In addition, if you do not have any of the above (1) to (10) or an official ID, please bring the following documents.

* When using an Individual Number Card (My Number Card) as an identification card, please present only the front side (the one with the photo). Please do not present the back side (the side with your personal number printed on it).

In addition, in the case of identity verification, we do not look at the back side of personal number card (my number card).

*The individual number (my number) notification card (paper card without a photo with the individual number printed on it) cannot be used as an identification card.

*Please note that student ID cards for those over the age of 19 will not be accepted, even if they have a photo.

*If you do not have a student ID/insurance card with a photo, please see <If you do not have one with a photo>.

*Please note that photocopied/handwritten/expired/unusable documents will not be accepted for identity verification documents.

*If you do not have a photo ID*

Please bring 2 official certificates

Official certificate

>>Health insurance card, resident card, copy of family register, extract of family register, seal registration certificate, pension handbook

*Please keep all official certificates in the same state as they were officially issued.

In addition, resident cards, certified copies of family registers, and extracts of family registers will be valid within six months of issuance.

Please bring one official certificate and at least one document with your name printed on it.

printed with name

>>Employee ID, student ID without photo, credit card, cash card

*You cannot enter with only one official ID.

*Utility bills (electricity/water, etc.) and various postal items will be invalid even if your name is printed on them.


▼Items that are not accepted as ID

Copies of the above, handwritten ones, expired ones, various point cards,

Utility bills for electricity, water, gas, etc., and various postal items

*Lending and borrowing health insurance cards is prohibited by law.

*The use of a crafted or forged ID card is a criminal act.